Friday, September 30, 2011

Dear Future Husband...

Dear Future Husband,

Where are you? Are you looking for me? Does it seem like everyone you know is getting married too? Do you have the “groomsman, never a groom” problem? You see, I’m 22 and I’ve haven’t felt such pressure to be in a relationship in my life. My biological clock has begun ticking, not to scare you off or anything. In fact if anything should scare you, it should be my terrible, awful, no good morning hair, or the fact that I get very emotionally involved with TV characters. So are you out there, future husband? Because I’m sick of being the 3rd wheel, or the dreaded 5th wheel. And I really, REALLY don’t want to become a bitter old cat lady--but the way things are looking right now, I should be purchasing my first cat sometime within the next 5 years. So future husband, I promise you this- warm cookies when you come home from work, back massages when you are feeling stressed, and to always brush my teeth in the morning before kissing you. It doesn’t get much better than that, right?

Sincerely, and hopefully soon with love,
Your future wife


  1. :) this made me smile

  2. OH brooke!
    I already am that "cat lady"...I have always HATED cats and now I have two brothers? what the heck!? (and I have been in a relationship for 7 years) - I guess I can say the old fart can get boring ;) haha

    I loved getting a laugh! He will come along!

  3. Lol, I love it! This made me laugh. I think I may get a dog instead of a cat. A lot of guys have/like dogs is my rationale. So maybe I'll meet Mr. Right if I get a dog, haha.

    Back in high school and college I had a list (102 items to be precise) of all the qualities my future husband should possess. Sadly I lost that list along with my old hard drive but that's probably a blessing because my standards were unrealistic (a pro chef and a firefighter wrapped into the same guy?) A tad bit ridiculous, I know. With each wedding I attend I remember my list and think about some of items I would be willing to relinquish for the sake of love.
