Sunday, October 16, 2011


Awkward is:
-Realizing there’s no more toilet paper while using a public bathroom.
-Waving back at a person, only to realize they are waving at the person behind you.
-Saying goodbye to someone and then walking in the same direction.

-the spelling of the actual word 'awkward'.
-Britney Spears' movie "CrossRoads".
-Being 22.

No one warned me that being 22 and fresh out of college would be so awkward and uncomfortable. I mean, so what if I've been known to occassionally tear up during Britney Spears’ “I’m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman”. Where the heck am I supposed to fit in? As a recent college grad, I still feel like I should be a part of the college crowd. Yet since I’m a grad, people (including loan collectors) expect me to be a part of the real world. Okay, fine, I’ll be a part of the real world! Wait. What? What’s that you say? I’m too young and inexperienced for any job other than the grocery store? At 22 I am the perfect mix of too old for college and too young for adults. Last year, which I like to call BG (before graduation), I had to worry about graduation and getting papers done on time. Last year there were dining halls on campus, diners 2 minutes from my house, and my parents mom still did my laundry. This year, or AG, I have to navigate my way through a new city, watch in horror shock excitement as my friends get married and have babies, and pay bills and loans with money that I don’t have due to my lack of job. This year I have to cook my own food (because I usually get too lost to find a restaurant) and do my own laundry. Now I know what you’re thinking. Poor Brooke. She’s such a big baby. Yes, I am. I know. But really, 22 kind of sucks. I mean, no one really prepared me for this. I was taught to write a resume and coached on what to say during an interview. No one ever prepared me for the awkwardness that comes with being stuck in between college and adulthood. So, if you’re still in college, take this as a warning. And if you’ve passed the awkward stage and are officially an “adult”, HELP ME.

Why is there no halfway house type situation for after college? I could really use some some of adjustment time!

PS- As a 22 year old, is it still okay to cry when you leave home? When will your parents house stop being your home? How many times a day is it acceptable to call your mom?


  1. Hey Brooke! I can definitely relate to your post and *maybe* offer a little advice. I am 24, graduated from college last year and this year I am taking all of my science pre-reqs for grad school and nannying a few days a week. Trust me I get where you are coming from and I'm still right with you even at 24!! I luckily was able to move to a different city so I didn't have to move back home which makes all the difference. My best friend/roommate and I had a talk last night how she will probably be getting engaged in the next 2-3 months (insert freak out). I definitely feel like every one of my friends is running to the next phase in life and I am back holding on to whatever I can find that is comfortable. Instead of putting myself out there to meet new people I find myself perfectly content with doing things with the friends I have. Luckily I had 3-4 good friends in my new city, however they are all in grad school and all have different groups of friends so I'm either tagging along or just doing stuff with them one on one. I think the biggest thing I have learned to do is to put yourself out there and not rely on your old friends. I'm not the type to meet a guy clubbing so for me that nixes that idea. Maybe try going by yourself to a young adult night at church, gym, etc. As for when does your parents house stop feeling like home, that one I just had to force. I just don't let myself go home very often (which is hard); but at this time in my life I need to be going in the other direction and going home just seems to confuse me. My mom came to visit a few weeks ago and I cried when she left. I probably talk to her 2-3 times a day. Obviously if something is wrong it might be more but I would say that 1-2 times is probably enough. Hang in there. I am just now getting to the point where I'm like; okay I can either fight this growing up thing and be miserable in this transition time or just start running forward. Sorry this is crazy long and I hope this helps. Just know you aren't alone. This transition time sucks while you are in it, especially if most of your close friends are skipping ahead.

  2. Whoever wrote this comment is clearly creeping into our lives! So many weird similarities!!!! But for real, we should probably meet this person and her roommate since it is us.

    Love, Roomsicle


  3. Dear Anonymous, You are awesome. And SO wise. Thank you ;)

    And Linds, I'll be home so soon!
