Monday, September 3, 2012

College Videos

Oh college. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. I could write a whole book about some of my best and worst college experiences, but I won't do that (right now). Here are some of my favorite college memories that I caught on film. In no particular order:

1. Girls Night In. This night Megan, Amanda, and Courtney came over to my apartment to make cookies and watch Step Up. We set up the air mattress and lounged around all night. Then Amanda felt inspired to dance. I think this video describes all of our personalities very well. Courtney is the one laying on the mattress CRACKING UP. Amanda is the one with the sweet dance skills, Megan is the sarcastic one, and I'm behind the camera.

2. Belk Library Rave. I know we aren't Carolina or any other big school, so it isn't as impressive, but the library rave was so much fun! Everyone gathered in the library, the music was blasting, some guy was dressed up in a head to toe gorilla costume. Heck, I even stood on one of the book shelves! It was a fun night of chaos!

3. Spice Girls Dance. One night I had Kelsey and Katie spend the night. We spent the night talking, laughing, watching movies, and dancing around the living room. The next morning we woke up, made breakfast, and danced some more. This is the result.

4. Roadtrip. This was coming back from one of our annual Wilmy Weekends. At this point we were all tired, sick of being in the car, and trying not to think about going back to school. That is when hilarity, terrible singing, and craziness ensued.

5. Strawberry Wine. This was freshman year when we were just babies. We had a lake weekend at Lindsey's house and set up beds all over the floor. This was kind of our anthem freshman year.

Some honorable mentions would include: trying to unwrap tootsie rolls in our mouths, roomie rocking out to I Believe In A Thing Called Love, the infamous Abused Children Don't Shower, the Walmart driveby, and snowday water bottles!

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